Space Bar the accent key on the keyboard the number 1 Key on the Keyboard the number 2 Key on the Keyboard the Number 3 Key on the Keyboard the number 4 key on the keyboard the number 5 key on the keyboard the number 6 key on the keyboard the number 7 key on the keyboard the number 8 key on the keyboard the number 9 key on the keyboard the number zero key on the keyboard the  dash key on the keyboard the equal sign key on the keyboard the  lowercase letter q key on the keyboard the  lowercase letter w key on the keyboard the lowercase letter e key on the keyboard the lowercase r key on the keyboard the lowercase t key on the keyboard the lowercase y key on the keyboard the lowercase u key on the keyboard the lowercase i key on the keyboard the lowercase o key on the keyboard the lowercase p key on the keyboard the left square bracket key on the keyboard the right square bracket key on the keyboard the forward slash key on the keyboard the lowercase letter a key on the keyboard the lowercase letter s key on the keyboard the lowercase letter d key on the keyboard the lowercase letter f key on the keyboard the lowercase letter g key on the keyboard the lowercase letter h key on the keyboard the lowercase letter j key on the keyboard the lowercase letter k key on the keyboard the lowercase letter l key on the keyboard the colon key on the keyboard the single quote key on the keyboard the lowercase letter z key on the keyboard the lowercase letter x key on the keyboard the lowercase letter c key on the keyboard the lowercase letter v key on the keyboard the lowercase letter b key on the keyboard the lowercase letter n key on the keyboard the lowercase letter m key on the keyboard the comma key on the keyboard the period key on the keyboard the backslash key on the keyboard the spacebar key on the keyboard the left shift key on the keyboard the right shift key on the keyboard